Wednesday, April 14, 2010

All I want....

... is to sell my stinking contract for our cute little apartment already.

THEN, we can move into THIS place :)


  1. Oh, I thought you already sold it?!?!?!

  2. It's called Huntington Apartments, and they're just south of the Provo Tabernacle. They were originally built as condos, but the project foreclosed and it became Government subsidized housing. So basically... they're REALLY nice and REALLY cheap. And Spencer and I are REALLY excited :)

  3. Hells bells, woman. I want THAT kitchen! It is way better than the one in my house. And I'm older so I deserve it more. And waaaaa...

    No really, it's great that you get to live in such a pretty place. Congratulations.

    About that grilling the baby birds dream you had--go right ahead. I wouldn't mind. I've been reading about starlings and they pretty much have no saving graces.
