Tuesday, June 22, 2010

As of late...

... life is awesome!

In just about one week, Spencer and I will head up to Lake Chelan with his entire family for a FUN week of boating, swimming, wakeboarding, tubing, getting tan, and general frolicking. And we are VERY excited!

I've officially finished my first term of graduate school and am now working full time at the BYU Library. Meanwhile, Spencer's been working his tail off at his two jobs. I've also learned that the best way to wake him up in the morning is NOT shaking him repeatedly, but by announcing that it's 5:30 a.m. and the word cup is on downstairs. I've never seen anyone fly out of bed so quickly! Never again can he use the "it's too early" excuse. :)

Here's a rundown of some fun stuff that's happened:

1. Paige Brianne Tucker was born!
2. Father's Day was on Sunday and I got to talk to my dad about golf
3. Spencer and I made S'mores on the Bell Tower lights at BYU
4. Spencer and I discovered the Fablehaven series and are LOVING those books
5. We faithfully cheered for France in the World Cup and are glad that the U.S. has been playing hard to compensate for Les Bleus
6. Spencer got called as an Elders Quorum teacher
7. We played with JaiCi, Ifraz, and their cute kids TWICE last week (and I got to swim with Mana!)
8. We bought a brand new black leather sectional... it's AWESOME
9. I found out about a secret scholarship that I'm getting so we won't have to pay for ANY of my first year of grad school (HUZZAH!)
10. I'm still working at the temple every Wednesday... but it's closed for the next 5 weeks for cleaning :(
11. We saw the new Karate Kid movie and I got totally mission trunky with all that Chinese
12. The weather has been nice enough that Spencer and I can go on walks (or jogs) several times a week
13. Mom and Tuck are coming to play with me OH so soon!

So yah... we have nothing to complain about! Love you all...


  1. Mom and Tuck are coming to play with US!!!!! :)

  2. i love smores at the bell tower. as long as bugs don't get into the melted chocolate. congrats on your scholarship!

  3. Oh Spencer... busted.

    Amy here is my list of why life is awesome.

    1. I'm marrying Emily in less than TWO MONTHS!!!

